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July 2020 Update from our President

It appears that summer is well and truly here and I hope everyone is finding ways to keep cool. It's a challenge and it does make us reconsider air conditioning once again but.....

There is nothing I would like more than to announce the resumption of the Saturday Night Special concert series, but I'm afraid that just isn't going to happen in the near future. The Board has discussed this once again and we all agree that resuming shows in November is just not going to happen. So, we are tentatively saying our new target is January but honestly, at this point no one really knows what the new year will bring. We will continue to send sporadic updates when/if we have any news.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is doing well and keeping the virus at bay. This is a very odd world we live in right now and most of us who attend the club are of an age that we need to be very careful. Jocelyn and I are very diligent but it is hard to be remote from friends and family. Zoom sessions are better than nothing, but just barely. Not being able to hug family and friends is very hard for us, however we do what we must to keep everyone safe.

Please take care of yourselves and remember that there is music everywhere. We have a lot of music playing here as it relaxes and inspires us and reminds us of our friends from the club that we have not seen in far too long.

David McIntyre


Chinook Musical Society

Calgary Alberta

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