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October 11: Message from the President

Isn't technology grand? Just write one email and send it off to everyone, unless of course there are too many people in the address line I guess. About half my emails about the AGM bounced back, so I'll mention it in this note too.

I hope everyone is well although if you are anything like Jocelyn and I, you're probably getting itchy feet. We are not looking forward to this winter.

Ok, on to the update. Topics to be covered:

  1. Annual General Meeting

  2. Club plans going forward

  3. Casino

  4. Ticket refunds

  5. Resumption of Season Tickets

  6. Whatever is left over


I will be held via an online Zoom call on Thursday October 15 at 7:00 pm. If you'd like to join us, please send me a note and we will get you the dial in details.

Plans for the 2020-21 Season

It is clear to us that this virus is not going to go away soon, so we have taken the very disappointing but necessary step of cancelling the entire 20-21 season. At this point we hope to be able to come back in September of 2021 for the 21-22 season. It's really a question of when we can safely do it under whatever restrictions or requirements the health authorities feel necessary.

We will try to send out occasional emails but in the meantime for any musical news, please keep an eye on our website and or the Facebook page


We had planned to work a cason in September but chose to pass on the opportunity. However, we have accepted the offer of one in the second quarter of 2021 as we do have some ongoing costs to cover. At the moment AGLC requires only about one half of the number of volunteers and we're hoping that carries on. Chris will be contacting people once she has firm dates. Hopefully a few people will be able to help but we totally understand if you can't. This virus really is something to be taken seriously.

Ticket Refunds

As there will not be a 2020-21 season for us to allocate credits to, we will be issuing refunds for the cancelled March and April shows. Some of you had indicated that you would like to donate that money to the club and we thank you!! but it is important to note that we are not able to issue tax receipts. To facilitate our record keeping, we would ask you to please send a note to Anita at (even if you have already done so previously) and let her know if in fact you would like to make that donation.

If we do not hear from you we will be automatically mailing your refund cheque to you within the next couple of weeks. And a reminder for those who might have bought additional tickets from the ticket exchange, refunds will only be issued to the original members/purchasers, so please contact the ticket seller to arrange for that refund. If you can't remember who you bought them from, please contact Anita and provide her with the number on the tickets and she can tell you who the original purchaser

2021-22 Season Tickets

Please be assured that with all that is going on, you do not have to worry about losing your season’s tickets! The 2019-20 list will be maintained and we will be in touch when the time comes to give you the opportunity to resume your tickets prior to the next season. Pease note: If you are not sure if you want to come back or not, you do not need to rush into a decision. You can decide when we announce our resumption.

Left Overs

I'm sitting here listening to JJ Cale while I write this. We might not have live music but there is still lots of music to catch up on.

I noticed that we still have some business email addresses on our olist and we would really prefer to use personal emails, especially in the current environment. Please, if you see this addressed to a business email, could you send Anita your personal one.

In addition to the loss of live music, Jocelyn and I really miss the social aspect of the club. There are many many people we see every 3 weeks or so from September to May and now we not only don't see you but have no idea what is going on in your lives. Maybe some notes on our Facebook page about your lives might be a nice way to catch up! You could always tell us about the music you are listening to. It might open us up to some new or forgotten artists.

And Finally

I would be remiss if I did not thank all the volunteers who have spent many hours putting together the club for us to enjoy. For some it has become another social event as they set up the room but, for others it may be a more solitary task. Please know that we very much appreciate each and every one of you!

And to all the Board members who continue on making plans, reviewing them and making new ones, updating both Facebook and the website, paying bills. completing grant requests and producing required reporting, keeping in touch with the casino application, and many other ongoing chores - thank you!

And to the backbone and continued driving force of the club, Chuck Frank - keep up the good work and thanks for being you!


David McIntyre


on behalf of your Board of Directors:

Anita Fongern

Calin Way

Chloe MacKenzie-Pigeon

Christine Nielsen

Heather Mitchell

Chris Jensen

Matt Bootle

Chinook Musical Society

Calgary Alberta


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